Diego Marcon

Stefano Collicelli Cagol, Michele D’Aurizio, Giorgio Di Domenico, Elena Magini, and Julia Marchand, 2023
Softcover 152 頁
出版者: Centro Pecci
ISBN: 979-12-80579-31-7
方面: 130 x 180 mm

Published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name, designed by Diego Marcon for the spaces of the Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci in Prato, curated by Stefano Collicelli Cagol and Elena Magini, Glassa brings together five essays that explore the exhibition from as many points of view, thus investigating diverse aspects of the artist’s working methodology. Themes such as the display, special effects, ceramic sculptures, the community of people brought together through his work, and his relationship with cinema provide the input through which to view this exhibition project as part of Marcon’s many years of research. The volume is further enhanced by a visual essay of photographs and other documentation produced by the artist.



Edited by Stefano Collicelli Cagol and Elena Magini

Text in both English & Italian. 

Diego Marcon: Glassa
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