Alvaro (cadet) Barrington AcB, born 1983
My life is not memories rather their narratives ive told myself about myself
Figuring it out is hard and I’m sorry
It aint about you/
Burn Babylon/
Yah pussy ah da wettest/
Racism Shadism Classism colorist sexism Patriarch decentering whiteness
No Fucks Given/
The Marathon continues/
Art is about learning how to be, Painting is about what's in front of you, it's about learning to see/
Niggas die everyday in the hood B/
You're the most insecure person I know and it's disgusting/
We have to be gentle with each other’s hearts
I Like America and America likes me
For the CULTURE/
If you were them, You would be them/
“You’ve got to give them something special, you got to give them you, what you do, what you represent”
New women, old ways, Gotta Keep a Balance/
I look cooler than I am/
I don't want my work to be some fucking free zone associations/
Build the margins/
This nigga always skiing even in the summer/
Poverty Broke/
"I'm a Roc-A-Fella
What nigga for Roc-A-Fella shit I will rock a fella”/
"grey sheep”/
"You know you were my first time a new feel”/
“Lots of class but working class”/
Every year I grew up but never got older/
Fuck a lot/ mad asexual/
The margin are limitations of the imagination /
There are no margins/
Every master must empty his cup/
Take my dog to go see Santa/
Worker’s rights/
Be more grateful/
It’s ok to have the feelings that you have/it doesn’t mean your feelings are correct/
Don’t restate what someone has already said when you can say something new and more relevant/
Take something do something to it then do something to it/
Ok, Sorry/
It’s my flesh that holds on to facts, It’s my spirit that holds on to truth/
She riding dick on her tippy toes/
Trama looping/
Web of what I’m already doing/
Digital identity/
Only thing that was real/
Too much mindless conformity/
Live your truth
Black people who love black people
Who are you talking to
Sorry if I made you feel less than who you are/ a little insecure
a civilian
Bummy Jack
Swear by the moment
Centering identifies
Consider the source
The Source
Emotional thirst-trap
Long journey not a lot of time
Borderless experience
Ima shine Anti-social extrovert
I’m from the far side of a small island
Wanna feel the thrust wanna feel the texture
Not really into small talk but always want a deep conversation
Biggest turn on real empathy not this pseudo cultural capitalist woke that people exercise now a days/ empathy that requires real listening and imagination around someone else’s lived experience.
Everything I experience is real
Sometimes the safest place I feel is sleeping on the streets
Latisha harlin
It’s your job
Consider the source
Wish we grew up on the same advice
Arbitrary geopolitical cousins fight political identity
I get it Annd I hope I don’t lose IT
Do you trust me
Why are white people always asking black people to hold black people accountable through punishment and very comfortable forgiving white people for far worst
Possibilities simplicity reduction
Social fabric
Till this day
More conscious of the way we raise our daughters
Keep ur dick in ur pants
I believe in ENRRGY
You have time
Using networks
Backshot show me weh u got
People who say purple cause they want to argue red but you said blue
Future part looping in between
Things we know, we know we don’t know, and things we don’t know that we don’t know
I don’t rob and steal
I could taste my eyes
Believe in ur future self
Absent minded but think about everything
venerability versus desperation
The universe has no north
-A world of opinions based on privileges or hurts
-They said I was crippled so I said fuck it found my own path (build them stairs)
-I wonder if Iran is going to attack during Election Day
-Successful black men with average white women
-White women with a fat ass
-When you have tension over ANYTHING an argument can come over anything
-I think about death everyday I think about it as a reminder to live
-Dark oppression vs black oppression
-Willing vs wanting
-White middle upper middle class women who advocate for socialism and imagination against capitalism is black men making money but never speak to their fathers who rally against the death tax
I rather fail on my ideas than succeed on someone else
I love that shit too much for you to not care
I can indentify her by she bumsy
It’s impossible being a human being
Artist or brand
When something’s a problem it just means you not looking at the truths and the opportunities
Fake outrage
We trigger each others demons
We’ve become used to the suffering of others
I dont Inherit beef
The fox knows many things and the hedgehog knows one big thing.... his big idea is that he knew he would have many ideas
Academic Object painters
Conviction/ consensus
Coons are negroes who choose white approval over black advancements
Virtue signaling
Houseless people
The purpose of a system is what it does...
Dont fault people for the incentives that form them
growth as oppose to assembly
Take sense out of nonesense
Whats understood never has to be explained
Sorry to state the obvious
I knew i could give more if i felt protected
Everything you’ve done ends up being training for what you are doing
Life liberty and justice black people we still fighting for life
big mad
Them a real asshole
Dont let your enemy tell you who your enemy is
Familiarity as information
Digital communications
Ideology is the mechanism that harmonize the principles that you want to think you hold and what advances your material interest
You ask me what time it is and I tell you how to make a watch
I hate when People cant decenter themselves while listening
One you understand the way broadly you can see it in everything
May you realize your divinity in this lifetime
Performative blackness for white gaze
America snakes of America
Puppets without a string
K-Shaped recovery
Wet Ass Pussy
Kings disease
Systemic white guilt
I wish i could save ya
Put my dick pon uah lipstick
dna memory
You’re better than what i was ready for
What good is worrying about your beard if your head is about to be taken off
Digital fatigue
Black like having your cousin back
Over Specialized and you breath in weakness
Knowledge we have created for ourselves
Digital native
There is something violent that requires you to conform to a standard that by definition you could never meet...Thick
Out of bounds and out of budget
Hands space face stay safe
Cognitive capture
The thing that you want but not in the package that you wanted
A mistake repeated more than once is a decision
In-group thinking in monoculture
I feel like im watching a real hood movie right now
Knowledge based economic
Memory imprinting thing
Democratic speech environment
Too many brown folks with anti-black antitudes
Success gets mixed in with the idea of freedom as if they are the same
Minority group Identify politics rooted in anti blackness
External processor
Winners dont make excuses when the other side plays the game
Pimped by people’s future perception of us
I have drawing and im searching for color where as you have color and you are searching for drawing
The streets dont got rules it aint never have rules
Move passed/past the slogans
Young generation getting older
Pinky skyy black Cherokee
You gotta love free speech and you gotta love the bullshit
Paintings are visual text
Logical fallacies
Every choice comes with an invoice
Get married to the game but never have a kid with it
Whats beef
The key is to not let some nigga thats not on your level trick you out of position
One hand wash the other both hands wash the face
Social innovation (the weekend, 8 hour days)
Dignity purchases
Embodied knowledge
Practicing Trust
Play your part dont let the position play you
Emotional moron but he isnt evil
Hip hop is not the problem our reality is the problem
We shall overcome…We gonna be alright
Fight the power
Residue of racism
Meta verse
Where there is lions there are vultures
Cultural confidence
They get accustomed to the sweet tooth
The enslaved
Shack poor
We are all just walking each other home
Concept Albums
Whatever the fuck is whatever da fuck
I was The abomination of obamas nation
The culture sometimes bigger than the charts
The liquor store closer than the mosques
People come in with the platform for their own questions more than to sit and listen
The art lies in concealing the art
Public squalor and private opulence
Painting in the service of ideas
Socializing risk/privatizing profits
It was all a dream
Toxic beauty standards that are only attainable through money and surgery
Architecture as spatial financial form not as shelter or cultural manifestation
The 9-5 model was initially predicated on the wife and mother being home to take care of the kids
Illusion of control/self control
It broke my way baby
Come quickly im tasting the stars
You cant eat prestige
The storytelling got ahead of the reality
Im tired of the story we tell that hardwork leads to success
Artificially scarce digital items
This is an asset in search of a use
Never met a bitch that didn’t need a little bit of guidance so i dismiss her past
American pie aint made of apples its made of whatever you can get your hands on
Dreams make good stories but everything important happens when we are awake
The new subculture is
I dont fuck with other women
Cartoons are the
Sometimes you gotta check yourself and that can be confused with doubt——checking yourself is good
Cartoons (dont know which ones) are gonna be to next wave in design like what hip hop was to design
You not gonna draw blood from a rock
Thats just a strategy to lose more slowly not win
Drug trap are community centers for people who has been stigmatize
Racism as a class weapon
Whiteness is lazy
He is really good at sucking up and punching down
We grew but we didnt age
You eva lived with somebody while they eating you starve
Economic justice
Your born into patterns
Glitch in the matrix always enjoyed breaking patterns
Buy land they not making it anymore
Work comes out of work
There is other ways to be punitive you dont need to throw people into jail
To survive to trive to procreate
Stories we tell ourselves about ourselves
Perform gratitude
Disruption innovation
Too much money chasing too few deals
Bearly breathing believing life is a prison
Im not angry at them im angry at the system
God show me some happiness again im going blind
I was mad back like if somebody gets mad at you for something you aint do you go fuck it
How the fuck could i get mad at (him) for how he sees life
I dont have the power to change my past but i do have the power to change the perception of it
The Math aint Mathing
You ever lived with somebody while they eating you starved
Asset Bubble
Of all the things i care about this is below my line
Educated by other people’s interest
Who is served by these stories
Sometimes you dont know better but you know right from wrong
Love hope and faith
All white neighborhoods you their favorite nigga
Last night i cried tears of Joy…aint life a bitch
Looking back i coulda done better
Ingroup favoristism
Analysts paralysis
We have a unbelievable problem in this culture with our hierarchy of outrage
Monolithic whiteness
There are no distinct races of the species homosapien
A culture of immediate gratification
How long do you get to call yourself on the side of science and be continually wrong about the science
Bad faith identity politics
Manufacturing this case
Distributed social action
Dont use the time that im speaking to think about what you’re going to say next Your listening?
Questionable move considering the historical perspective
Hey Here is your fun fact about trees you know there are more non-deciduous trees in Norway than all of Africa-
Cultural sussu
Colonial authorities
Credentialization of everything
Dont ask me why niggas dying if you dont ask how they living
Its a hugging word
I like that but im not there yet
If we talking about black history who wrote that history for us
The squeaky wheel gets the oil
All that drama is just how she knows how to show love
Misunderstood why you choose the hood for me
Im not offended and because im not offended im not gonna project
You can’t be upset without being willing to educate
We just have to know more about each other before we speak on each other
Economic privilege masquerading as morality
As black men we are always trying to feel secure
I grew up the weird nigga in the hood
Debt trap anxiety
Human rights to have the fruits of their labor stored somewhere
The boomer class
D riding disfunction
Emotional implications
America has always prioritized white comfort over black survival
Its ok to be broke its ok to be old just dont meet up with them at the same time
I always think that the experience that showed you something is kind of more important that the thing itself
Any relation to object has a context
Devine poetry
That was the worst place and the last i needed to be
Getting a bigger name or bigger budget dont nessarily mean its gonna feel like how its supposed to feel
Once its internalize it becomes a real problem
Middle class marxist critique of trust fund kids
The italian man says goodbye without leaving
I cant. Leave the streets cause they need me
We must build before the backshots
Unholy alliance
Every debt is a social obligation
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
I think they just dont care about the sensitivities and not care about the sensitivies when you’re talking about black people when your talking about black people not caring about them is the same as hating them
Pop culture is Art plus time
Alternative asset class
Experienced to be photographed
Rage against the dying of light
Chief everything officier
Professional buzz words
Peak entitled neoliberal feminist
Betta belly burst than good food waste
We have all become very adept at saying things that are technically true but lack context
People want any type of Fame even if its embarrassing
You know the family dynamics on repeat
You reading about you and you aint wrote
Middle class laziness and entitlement masquerading as social justice warriors
Id prefer clarity to agreement
I said “if it aint snowing i aint going” “and thats why he aint going far”
Stocks are assets
Make it make sense
Marriage is between folks who can creatively problem solve not two folks who can procreate cause then we wont let old folks get married
Stacked inequalities that exist at the bottom
Please be kind to each other especially when we dont know whats going on
Opportunity structure for a lot of social outcomes
We could never point any object at each other
Your saying men have been suffering from the soft bigotry of low expectations
Thats right i like my girl bbw
I think we have weaponized the word aggressive
People dont know they do bad business cause business works for them
Our violence isnt the threat our love is
In business you need a worthy fantasy
Generate intellectual capital
Its quite alien to a culture that records its documents in different ways
No barriers to entry
Whats new whats next and how do i get there first
Learn to live with ambiguity
Image based futuration
Universal soul cry for meaning
Empathic imagination
You cant make culture out of politics but maybe you can make politics out of culture
Our faith is in the eternal
They rejected me
The white supremacist inclinations within everyone to place black/melenated people in other rooms with only black melenated people
Its actually not about what’s factually related but how folks FEEL things are related
Wash trading
Under more scrutiny so what i do act more stupidly
There should be grace in conversation
We live in a failed state
Asset bubble
Left holding the bag
Crypto winter
Faculty lounge discourse
There is an academic lens put on the core values of these group
The narcissism of this nation people are mad when people are mad at them
Get seen but not in the way that they need to be seen
Fed-inflation forced massive inequality
We’re in a 52 percent tax rate
All we have is time till we dont have it nomore
A society grows great when old men plant trees they will never sit in
Consent is just the floor
She tried to embarrass her but she got anxiety though
In times of high confusion people overpay for qualify
Prisoner of the moment
Vanity morales
The interest of the labtop class is different from the working class
I deal with people how they deal with me
You never had the life to live just the one to give
Sexy disposition and plenty compassion
I go through it so you wont have to do it after me
Got nothing to do with what im talking about but it got everything to do with what i mean
Extractive capitalism
Sales up… expenses down
History doesn’t repeat but it often rhythms
Experience is what you get when you dont get what you want
Faith is for cowards and fools destiny is for what you make of it
We pick desire over nessecity all day long
Its a visually major moment
Remember when is the lowest form of conversation
Front row at the funeral
You gonna die being you
I feel so safe ive found security
Fear campaign
A country called earth
Legalized criminal enterprise
Some of the things im willing to struggle for is the things im going through
Trauma in a people decontextualized over time looks like culture
And in some ways, crypto is a radical experiment in stakeholder capitalism
When the tide goes down you see who have bathing suits on
-listens through a truama filter and so whats been said can often times not be what we hear and so many times we internalizes things to be a personal attack
-They are all on a great spectrum of woundestness that affect how to relate to each other
Black american Caribbean of Africa decent
Far more than the sum of the parts
Went from ashy to classy
Your right the way you framed the question
You don’t put stock in two things youth and money cause those things go
Nobody cares about the action that caused the reaction
Never waste a good crisis
He rich how he wrong
Some people want to take the easy momentum driven decision
Social proof
Everything became less local more commercial
The american dream thats a phrase that was invented in 1936
When ur getting kicked out of town getting in front and act like ur leading a parade
How can i explain this using the framework that i have
It could all be taken from you
The history of humanity is that goodness has always been the more difficult task
The more you do the less they cant tell you you cant do
If middle wage kept up with productivity we would be at $23 an hour right now
Ambition is energy with a purpose
Minimum effort maximum output
I gotta talk about my life as i see it
Knowing how to deal well with things you dont know is more important than know how to deal with things you know
Whenever we make a decision we dont have all the facts and luck is going to influence the outcome
Sentimental knowledge
What people think about me aint none of my spiritual business
Just cause you hate the nba dont mean you hate lebron
Move accordingly ahead of time
I dont celebrate for whats supposed to be done
Love is the realizing of another one’s potential
I got gratitude baby i aint mad at you
Sometimes you ask your feelings to be performative
The teenage came out in the 1950’s
A scar can be much more interesting than blue eyes
I resist everything except temptations
When the results dont change the why is irrelevant
You are cash poor
The way people clothe themselves […] is the most distinctive form of a society’s uniqueness
People dont want to understand the business they just want to make money from the business
How dare you make this harder
Why cant you let me have this
You cant me the liberally idiotic like common sense has to come into play at some point
Show me the incentive and ill show you the outcome
Alternative currency schemes
They fell for the rhetoric they fell for the hype
Negros take abuse as a sign of love
The patina of the privilege class
The story is no longer the boss instead we sell narratives
I think most people just want to improve their condition and i dont think people are as tied up on the philosophy of the government as they are about improving their condition
The creation of the library across the united states was the greatest act of philanthropy
I think you framed it greatly
Wealth is trust that there is an enterprise owned that will be doing something of value in the future
I dont play for dinner
Performing authenticity is the bigger crime
He talk about it like evil people doing evil shit versus it being hurt people who hurt people
Im weary
Real estate is a financing trade at the end of the day
How important it is to recognize your emotions in relationship to the people around you
Dont shoot the messenger
God gave me two ears and one mouth so i listen twice as much as i talk
One thing I don’t like is something I take serious taken as a joke
People wanting what they think they are owed
Y’all say what you feel but not what you mean
I dont even address loses to me is a lesson when you feeling like ur losing it feels like there is a lesson to be learnt
Maybe its just time for others to eat
Risk-free rates is probably gonna get to 5 percent
Our stories will be replaced by the narrative of science
College is effectively a four year iq and work ethics test rather than an experience that actually makes you a smarter and more valuable worker
Professional class that pro ports to be an expert class
Raise your children so you can spoil your grandchildren cause if you spoil your children you will have to raise your grandchildren
In our industry who pays you tells you what kind of narrative you are allowed to use
Whiteness as a religion
The backlash against the 1960s lasted about twenty years
There is a public health contract that you have signed implicitly as a citizen of a country where in part we depend on each other for health security etc
There is a 4th industrial revolution and it’s happening in Africa
When I ask a simple question I expect a straight answer
How a man can get mad at you for their fucking action
Tesla is a just a car company i dont buy that its a tech company every company today is a tech company
Caribbean black side
Without fear or favor
Zero interest rate decision
Health industrial complex
Social science
Diversity- you dont want a group of people who look different but think alike
If we can say crypto is libertarian why can we say AI is communist
Giant you could be in the air and on the ground at the same time
Exile is a hard job
Every delay has a blessing
Exile is a hard job
You dont have to hire out your thinking if you keep it simple
A mine is a hole in the ground owned by a liar thats the way i look at projections
All surface NO structure
The architect of your soul appears to be social media
Education changed my life its so important but we cant rob people’s futures
I know what im getting with the devil its people who pretend to be angels im scared of the most
Elite bureaucracy
The law is how we mediate us all living together
Im more interested in glory than money
I think freedom is being able to choose your responsibilities not not having any responsibilities but being able to choose which things you want to be responsible for
Jaden is degenerative energy you guys are regenerative energy
The got mad at each other cause they brought the same face
Can you please try to listen to understand what im saying instead trying to project what im saying so you can speak
There is no luxury without culture
We can’t imagine the thing that we dont yet know
Its a POV world….i dont know where they are living
History needs to be seen for the spirit of the Times
I call throwing ones in the strip club paying taxes
A political context where the stakes are not so high now
I dont think truth is something that can be fully captured any media but you can capture moments of truths
What you feel like is the most manipulatable thing
If your predictable tyranny just becomes a matter of efficiency
Culture versuses behaviorism
Weaponized identity politics
Everything you find out you find out through your body
Prosperity has a poor memory
Corporate unionization
Law is a reflection of existing power
You are inventing scenarios just to be mad at them
Class tourism
Most people live their lives as a script that someone else wrote
You have to go faster than the system
When the shit gets bigger than the cat get rid of the cat
Im not going to do it the way you do it well that is fine just don’t do it wrong
Army with harmony
Discipline gonna make today hard but tomorrow easy
Pick someone good for the job not the interview
I dont live under the misconception that anybody knows the whole story of anything ever so im not compelled to share everything i think I know I can live stuff out,.,
Fear can keep u from what you here for
Gratitude optimism is sustainable able you find something to look forward to and you carry on
The left wing and the right wing is on the same bird
The one with the better distribution wins
What am i not thinking about?
Language is also a mapping of the way you think the way you see the world the way who you are
It’s like when babies have something called ‘tigerspring’ in danish. It’s sections where they develop and grow so much that it kicks in really hard and they can’t sleep or control their emotions until they work through it. Maybe it’s the most natural part of how we grow as humans.
Some of your views may be grounded in unthought through propaganda
In the last few years our society has come to believe that weaponized cruelty is part of some well thought out masterplan
Ideas without execution is hallucination
You gotta see what I've seen, look where I've looked
Touch what I've reached, and take what I've took
You gotta go where I've gone, walked where I've walked
To get where I'm at to speak what I've talked
You gotta lay where I've laid, stay where I've stayed
Play where I've played to make what I've made
You gotta move what I've moved, use what I used
Use tools how I use, use fools how I use
Attitude is despair
Your reaction is an answer
Anyone Who ever gave you confidence you owe them a lot
A company becomes a brand when the brand is bigger than any individuals associated with it
Im not sure i can tell where sharing starts and me getting nothing begins
The punishment is cathartic for the punisher
Champagne socialist
Most of our conclusions about what we think about the world have been manufactured with great amount of efforts and resource and education by those in power
The propaganda of history about people
This isnt a disaster for goldman but it is a bad look
As a rule, regulation is acquired by the industry and is designed and operated primarily for its benefit
Regulatory Capture
Ahh, would you like to hear my favorite passage from Shakespeare? Take the fuckin' money.
The adjacent posible
A moment is part of a long linked event
The way my mom should support was if u could find a way to do it i wont stop u
He wants to make money of the dysfunction of our culture
To make scandalous the presentation of context
If i was you i wouldnt start from here
Clearly he was some sell some dreams type a nigga
I care nothing of what people who would heap horror on the minds and bodies of the children
We dont have healthcare we have sickcare
Audience capture
The best salesman play on true narratives that you already believe
We have been abducted by 21st century scientistism
The hate us for our freedom
The systems in which we live also leads to sense of things being more fragile or more rubust even in the best of times and these arent the best of times
Artist should not look to the right or left. Art should be strong and non-conformist and most importantly should always be personal.
Tactile victory versus strategic defeat
Its like trying to tell a dream its just not as good
The guilt complex
Nothing is going to happen till one day it happens
We dont have a nation thats responsible to broad popular opinion or moral discust
There is no excuses but there are reasons and if you turn the heat up high enough the water is gonna boil
Aping has become so synonymous with changing that there doesnt need to be any other change
Intellectual share of intellectual property
What is marketing if not the understanding of human nature
I wish there was something more of her i could keep something more than a bunch of memories
Memories dont live like people do
Im 40 years young but i feel 40 years old
Orphans are in the position that to their caretaker many have to internalize that they need to be off value cause that isnt given to them through “birthright”
Multi polar moment
It alway looks easier on the outside than on the inside
You make money of the buy not the sell
Tech enabled business
Large physical world COGS (Cost of goods sold)
Every passing minute is a moment to turn it all around
Real rate of interest ultimately what effects the economy
We need to move pass the era of dualities and finance
Their entitlement has made me the bad guy
The future always flies in under the radar
You captured me in the land of Africa to enslave me. Today give me my liberty”
Playing Mas
The eyes could handle it i dont know if the mind can
There is a deep sadness in my bones that i work along everyday
Emotional engineering
Everything feels like a conspiracy when you dont know how anything works
You have to do a bunch of things right before you can get any one thing to work
In america anything goes i need total freedom
I never thought i would work this hard to hire someone who is overpaid and underwork cause privilege makes them feel taken advantage of
You can take a life but you can’t give yours
Blackness reduces africaness
History does not allow for What If
You could make up from a bad interview you could make do a good interview but you cant run away from your past so have a good past
Create technology create markets
You want to decouple the results from the evidence that you are doing the right thing thats how you solve this problem of investing in something thats very very far away
I cant speak to your heart but how your words function in that context is systemically problematic
There is no solutions there is just tradeoffs
Its hard to get honest at this deep in the scam
The persona that they play which is an exaggerated form of what they believe
They start with the narrative and then they try to find circumstantial stuff
All content has intent
When you have a real relationship somewhere you dont turn those individuals into a headline
Willingness to contribute more than the job description
We dont have job description we just are focused on the results
Grief is love that has no place to go
I like to stay in neutral places before they come a home or a trigger
I dont know if CHIC is really part of the current vocabulary as a word it almost belongs to another time but what it represents never goes away
I need feedback
People have these moral cartoons running in their heads
Progressive gaze
Create the headlines based on what they feel you said
Commercialization of the consumerization
It wasnt called the internet it was called online services at the time
Life must be understood backwards but it must be lived forwards
You didn’t condemn hamas as uniquely evil
We may one day forgive them for killing our kids but we will never forgive them for making us kill theirs
It hurts me more than it hurts you
Monitized friendships
We all eating
We live in a star wars universe i want to live in a star trek universe
Because of the internet i think peoples personalities have been more flatten
Look back on childhood memories, and I'm still feelin' the pain
I didn’t have any patience for somebody i thought wasnt using my kind of commonsense
If you want to take that next step You have to able to deal with consequences of changing your circumstances
We have a culture on consumption and war
I’ve made it possible for you to see how i reason through something and by reasoning how someone reasons through something empowers you
The people who report the most to the Ceo requires the least amount of management
I dont believe in an environment or culture in where the information you possess is the reason you have power
What is the operating system which is called culture
Hello my brother—-my children my wife
Team not family
Keepers test- would you fight to keep someone if they said they were leaving
The thing about bitch as niggas is they unit
The people tax formerly referred to as employees
Do you condemn hamas
Factchecking your impressions
The global de-colonial language ultimately obscures more than it differentiates
The body remembers
You cant be prepared after the fact you have to be prepared before
Dont allow yourself to be weaponized if you have an anger issue for example….
Communication is with the listener
We are in a persistent partial attention
Everything can be reduced to its representation of sytemic extreme violence
Its a reductionist statement thats very misleading
Art as a form of weapon to sell something else
We have convienently turned in ownership for access (music)
Shit ive been through will probably offend you this is Emeldas older son
It was authentic at the beginning after a while it became something that was more constructed
Some of the most beautiful prose poetry are done by people who are just grieving and what they produce is just joy
Maximizing your curiosity in a conversation
My body have better ideas than my head does
Every thing beautiful in the world gets stuck in the weds we create
A movement is faith in strangers
He cant grow cause he dont know who the fuck he wants to grow into
Once you acknowledge you got a problem people don’t expect you to change
All great ideas come from intuition but all great intuition comes from processing a whole lot of earlier experiences
Modernity is not well oriented to community
I dont think choices i made to survive was the real me
The circumstances has changed but the feelings havent
It was working with the materials and out the materials the idea of whats possible would emerge
Blackness is not a race it is an oppositional idolgy to white supremacy
Black faces in high places that dont do shit
Recentcy bias
You not a drug addict till you cant afford it
Its my art because I owe the history its joys trauma etc
Its my art cause I own the consequences of putting it out there I can’t walk from it cause its in my body
Prison and Death
Exporting campass safe space culture
Get a life
I will never fucking apologize for the art i make
Able to glimpse whats coming but unable to master whats coming he is a classic transitional figure
You spend your life trying to make sure people have an imagination of you in the future
Trauma bragging
I fought every inch of every hour to stay real
Invisible man as a framework