Ugo Rondinone

Pure Sunshine
Ugo Rondinone, Lionel Bovier and Morgan Falconer, 2017
Hardback: 316 pages
Publisher: JRP Ringier
ISBN: 9783037645055
Dimensions: 240mm x 310mm

A new series of three publications extensively documents three of his most renowned series: the Landscape Paintings, the Horizon Paintings, and the Sun Paintings. In the first volume dedicated to the Sun Paintings (1992–2012), critic and art historian Lionel Bovier offers a visual and perceptual analysis, while Morgan Falconer examines the main characteristics of this series in relation to Rondinone’s work and biography, stating that, “If the circles do have a connection to Rondinone’s biography, it is allegorical. A motif in his work links to a moment of life experience just as a part does to a whole, or as a link in a chain sits next to its partners: we see only the link that Rondinone chooses to illuminate, the rest is in darkness.”

Ugo Rondinone: Pure Sunshine
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