Lucia Laguna

Marcelo Campos, 2021
Hardcover 224 pages
Publisher: Cobogó
ISBN: 978-6556910482
Dimensions: 210 x 260 mm
Lucia Laguna paints from the environs of the suburb where she lives — the Rio de Janeiro Rocha neighborhood —, collaging references originated from art history, her atelier’s garden and an extensive view of the city. Between figuration and abstraction, the paintings collected in this book whisper the disordered insistence of life from flowers, leaves and twigs, contra urban lines: the train line, the sea line, Linha Vermelha, Linha Amarela, Avenida Brasil.


Edited by curator Marcelo Campos, this volume draws a panorama of the artist’s career, divided in three parts referring to the categories — or work spheres — which title Lucia Laguna’s painting series: “Landscape and Architecture”, “Garden and World”, and “Studio and Window”.
Lucia Laguna
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